NameJohn Love
, L100, 2932, M
Birthbef 1736
Misc. Notes
1756--In ye lower end of Augusta County: John Brown, Christian Clemon, Evan Evans, Constable; Rubin Harrison, Constable; Andrew Hislep. John Love, Jacob Lingle, Barnet Mathews, Valentine Mackey. Darby Sullivan, Dan'l Sullivan, Wm. Smith, Jas. Sterns, Anthony Bogart, Thos. Craford, Jno. Davies, Jno. Fowler, Geo. Fulls, Denis Henry, Nicholas Harbolt, Rich'd Neely, Jacob Peeter, John Rechart, Ranl. McDonell, Constable;
1757--Page 5, John Campbell, son of Patrick, (March), Fine and bound to peace, Entering attorney ads. Christian; page 5, John McGinnis, Lower end County; page 7, Christophel White, Dickinson's Fort; page 14, Mathias Tise, South Branch, (March), Stevenson's deeds to you; page 15, John Davis, near Dever's, (March), filing account, vs. your servant; page 21, William Thompson, Spring Hill; page 22, John Trimble, North Mountain; page 22, Robert Hamilton, Pennsylvania; page 28, James Anderson, Black Smith; page __, James Anderson, near Carr's; page 30, Samuel Wilson, sadler; page 31, William Armstrong, son of James; page 32, John Ramsey, South River; page 40, John Graham, hoper; page 42, Wm. Cunningham, near Mr. Hart's; page 43, Wm. Lang, Staunton; page 44, John Mitchell, Pedler; page 47, Wm. Thompson, Hanover; page 53, Wm. Lang (Long), South River; page 54, Samuel Wilson, O. Keeper (Keefer); page 55, Rob Wearth (North), I. K.; page 62, John Davis, Borden's Land; page 68, John Stevenson, P. M.; page 77, Jacob Mann, P. M.; page 84, Peter Brunier, near Nulls; page 90, Esther Brown, Long Meadows; page 93, Ann Stuart, Pastures; James Beard, Pastures; page 96, John Davis, distiller; John King, at his Mill (?); page 97, Lieut. Wm. Fleming; page 98, John Ogg, Orange; John Miller, Ro. Oake; page 100, Benjamin Lewis, son of George; page 101, John Cunningham, Staunton; John Love (Lone), Caroline.
16th May, 1759; John Love, orphan, bound to Sampson Archer.
AUGUST 26, 1766.
(311) John Love, orphan of Joseph Love, decd., to be bound to Joseph Love, Fuller.
David Russell deposes, February, 1806, before Andrew Henderson and John Love in Jefferson County, Tenn., he bought from Jno. Bowyer a tract in Borden's Grant about 30 years ago.