NameEphraim Love
, L100, 2929, M
Birthbef 1730
Deathaft 1775 Age: 45
Misc. Notes
1750, November 28th--Ephraim Love, 50 acres, joining Shanklin, with one right; 50 on a branch of Muddy Creek, near Harrison's meadow, with one right.
Inhabitants of North Mountain, at head of Muddy Creek, petition for road from Ephraim Love's to the road from South Branch to Swift Run Gap: Ephraim Love, John Herdman, Jeremiah Hanason, Aaron Oliver, Thomas Campbell, Robert Pattison, John Slaven, Patrick Black, Robert Rallstone, John Negarry, Tomes Shanklin, John Taler, Daniel Harrison, John Foolton, Jesse Harrison, Patrick Cain.
AUGUST 14, 1753.
(3) Ephraim Love to clear a road, his place to main road that leads from the South Branch over Swift Run Pass.
NOVEMBER 24, 1753.
(76) Road ordered--Wm. Bryan overseer--from Wm. Carravan's plantation to Wm. Bryans on Roan Oak. These workers: James Campbell, Joseph Love, Wm. Bryan, Jr., John Bryan, James Bane, Henry Brown, Jr., James Neilly, Henry Brown, Sr., Alexr. Ingram, Edward Patterson, Jacob Patton, John Wood, Erwin Patterson, Andrew Cox, Jasper Terry, Wm. Terry, John Woods, Edward Moore, Peter Craven, Aron Hart, Miles Hart, Wm. Graham, Neal McNeal, Malcom Campbell, Wm. Armstrong, Tasker Tosh, Thomas Tosh, Daniel Evans, Uriah Acres, Thos. Acres, John McAdoe, Wm. Akers.
MARCH 20, 1754.
(107) Ephraim Love, qualified Captain of Foot; Ro. Ralston, qualified Lieut. of Foot; John Hinton, qualified Ensign of Foot.
27th November, 1755: Vestry met. Processioners designated as follows, viz (to report before 1st March next):
John Harrison, Jr., and Daniel Smith, in Captain Daniel Harrison's Company. Thomas Moore and David Robinson, in Captain Ephraim Love's Company, and to head of Brock's Gap. Mathew Patton and Wm. Dyer, on South Fork of the Branch of Patowmack. Jacob Peters and Henry Landcisco, on Mill Creek and Shelton's tract.
MAY 16, 1758.
(144) Robert Campbell, for dieting Capt. Wood's soldiers and for a horse impressed. William Christian, for ranging and provisions for his Company. John Brown, for guarding provisions to Dickenson's Fort when attacked by the enemy Indians and for provisions on their march. Saml. Wilson, for provisions delivered to John and William Woods, Captains of Rangers. James Bell, for going express to the Commanding Officer of Albemarle by order of Major John Brown of this County. Ephraim Love, for ranging and provisions expended in his Company. Abraham Smith, the same. James Clark, for provisions to John Wood, a Militia Captain. Domnick Barret, for ranging. Wm. Edmiston, for ranging. John Cunningham, for use of a horse impressed. James Hughes produced a claim for service done the country, to which he made oath and ordered to be certified. John Robinson, for provisions delivered to David Lewis, Captain of the Militia. George Robinson, for ranging and provisions expended in his Company. James Cull, for ranging. Elizabeth Preston, for horse impressed.
16th August, 1758: Margaret, daughter to Wm. Willson, bound, to Ephraim Love.
MARCH 23, 1759.
(247) Michael Warren, Ephraim Love and Alexr. Thompson, qualified Captains of Militia. Abraham Bird, qualified Ensign of Militia.
AUGUST, 1759.
Arthur (Army Trader) (Arthur Trader) vs. Ralston.--Signatures: Thos. Moore and John Harrison, Robert Ralston and Ephraim Love, Howel Jones and Abigail Sempil.
MAY 19, 1762.
(215) John Hopkins and John Herdman, surveyors of highway, from Ephraim Love's to James Wait's.
1766--Supernumeraries: Thos. Shanklin, 1; John Deniston, 2; James Bruister, 1; Perunia Regen, 1; John Taylor, 1; Chas. Powers, 1; Aaron Hughs, 1; Martin Shoemaker, 1; Thomas Gordon, 2; John Barley, 1; Philip Crites, 1; Geo. Conrod, 1; John Shanklin, 1; Adam Raeburn, 1; James Crawford, 1; Mich'l Shorley, 1; John Black, 1; Joel Robinson, 1; Thos. Frames, 1; Mich'l Mildeberger, 1; Thos. Hutcheson, 1; Ephraim Love, 3; Mark Rigs, 1; Charles Parsons, 1; Andrew Bushong, 1; David Keal, 1; Francis Hughes, 1; Henry Shoemaker, 1; John Stalp, 1; Sam Nicholas, 1; Wm. Lewis, 1; Jno. Slavin, 1; Boslin Nosier, 1; John Hopkins, 2; James Bell, 2; Geo. Shoemaker, 1; Geo. Jordan, 1; Adam Kelvie, 1; Edw'd Beard, 2; John Stephenson, 5; Petter Assomsis, 1.
AUGUST 17, 1768.
(320) "Lie Bill" by Elirabeth Inzer to Ephraim Love -- ordered recorded.
MAY 19, 1773.
(104) Road established from Staunton to Love's Ford on Henderson's Creek--Walter Davis to be surveyor.
AUGUST 18, 1773.
(154) Thomas Fulton and Ephraim Love--road overseers.
Marriage16 Aug 1758, Virginia colony