Bill’s Family - Person Sheet
NameThomas Crabb
89, 10G Grandfather, C610, 2741, M
Birthabt 1578, Temple Parish, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England89
FlagsLived in UK
Misc. Notes
I. Thomas Crabb (?) Weaver
89B. c1578 Temple Parish, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
M. Joan
Thomas was admitted to the freedom of the city (i.e. a Burgess) by reason of completion of apprenticeship, 10/9/1599. Son Richard was one of their apprenticed weavers on 7/19/1622 (Boddie v1 p144). Temple Parish in Bristol is in Gloucestershire Co., not Somerset Co.
ChildrenRichard , 2734, M (1609-1676)