Bill’s Family - Person Sheet
Bill’s Family - Person Sheet
NameThomas Gerrard 89, 9G Grandfather, G663, 2732, M
Birthbef 1616
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
Thomas Gerrard - 1650 - Northumberland Co. Va. p2p249


To all &c. Whereas &c. Now Know yee that I the said Sir William Berkeley &c. give and grant unto Thomas Gerrard Gentleman one Thousand acres of Land scituate in Northumberland County and upon the south side of Potomeck river, begining at the Mouth of Herring Creeke on the North side which issueth out of Nomeny river begining at the Mouth of the said Creeke and soe runing parrarell with the said Creeke south East by East five hundred Poles and from thence into the Maine woods North East by North three hundred and twenty poles and soe Extending Northwest by west five hundred poles and south west by south three hundred and twenty poles to the place where it began, The said Land being due unto the said Tho: Gerrard by and for the Transportation of twenty Persons into the Colony &c. To have and to hold &c. To be held &c. Yeilding &c. which payment is to be made seven yeares after the first grant or seating thereof &c. Dated the 18th of October 1650.


Thomas Gerrard, Susana Gerrard, Susa. his Daugter, Temp: Gerrard, ffra: Gerrard, Justintan Gerrard, Hen: Chesly & ..... for Adventure of ....., Cornelious Canedy, John Goldsmith, Mary Strong, John Shanks, Edw: Shelly, John Taylor, ffra: Hutton, John Gerrard, Richd. Wright, Tho: Downe, Riche. Walker, Joell Gibbs, four Indians Land due for.

Transcribed from image: Virginia Land Patents Book 2, page 249.

Library of Virginia ~~
1Susanna Snow 89, 9G Grandmother, S500, 2733, F
ChildrenTemperance , 2726, F (~1636-<1712)
Last Modified 22 Feb 2001Created 3 Mar 2018 using Reunion for Macintosh
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