NameJohn Tannehill
273,98, 1C5R, T540, 2608, M
Birthabt 1772, Maryland273
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
From “History of John and Rachael Tannehill and their Descendants” by Letitia Tannehill Coe 1903
John Tannehill was probably born about 1771. He married Elizabeth Douglas and their children were:
1. Eleanor, who died young
2. Deborah, who married Philip Snyder
3. Nancy Coulter, who married Samuel Barnes, No children.
4. Rachel, who married Stephen Oamer. No children
5. Elizabeth Skiles who married first James Wiley; 2nd James McKissen. (Her children were; James Wiley, William, Sarah, Elizabeth Rachel, John Douglass, Alice Cardelia who married James C. Buchannan.)
6. John Adamson, who married Sarah Martin
7. Zachariah Douglass, who was born crippled. He never married.
ChildrenEleanor (Died as Child), 4209, F (>1790-)