NameEnsign Joseph Pendleton
269, P534, 2470, M
Birth29 Dec 1661, Sudbury, Massachusetts, US
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
Joseph Pendleton was born in Sudbury, Massachusetts, on Dec. 29, 1661. He was the son of Capt. James Pendleton and his second wife, Hannah Goodenow. He moved with his family to Westerly, Rhode Island, in 1674at age 12. At age 17 he took the oath of allegiance to the King of England and the Colony of Rhode Island at Westerly on Sept. 17, 1679 along with his father. He was chosen to be tax assessor in 1695, constable in 1697, and town clerk in 1701.
Joseph married Deborah Minor on July 8, 1696; their daughter Deborah was born Aug. 29, 1697, and Joseph's wife died ten days later on Sept. 8, 1697. He married Patience Potts on Dec. 11, 1700 who bore him three sons: Joseph 1702, William 1704, and Joshua 1706. Joseph Pendleton became a Freeman June 22, 1699; he owned 100 acres. He was a farmer with cattle, he made cheese, grew corn, barley, wheat, flax, oats, hay, and fodder.
At age 45 at the time of his death (Sept. 18, 1706) his estate included two oxen, ten cows, six yearlings, three steers, one bull, seven calves, 23 sheep, 12 swine, and a hive of bees.
ChildrenJoseph , 2480, M (1702-)