NameJames Menees Jr
16, 6G Uncle, M520, 2340, M
Birth4 Sep 1741, Amherst Co, Virginia Colony16
Death1837, Neely Bend, TN, US Age: 95
Military SvsAmerican Revolution (SC) - Battle of Guilford Court House
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
Mrs. Lula Demoville Campbell.
DAR ID Number: 41628
Born in Nashville, Tennessee.
Wife of James H. Campbell.
Descendant of James Manees, Jr.
Daughter of Samuel Louis de Moville and Ellen Elizabeth Thomas, his wife.
Granddaughter of James Thomas and Eleanor Manees, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of John Manees and Eleanor Coffee, his wife. [p.236]
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of James Manees, Jr. and Elizabeth, his wife.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of James Manees (d. 1792) and Mrs. Ellen (Cardwell) Brethitt, his first wife.
James Manees, Jr., (1742-1837), served at the battle of Guilford Court House in the North Carolina line. In 1790 the state granted him land and he was designated ìCommissioner of Guards.î The land was located in Mill Creek, Tenn., and it is still owned by the family. He was born in Amherst, Va., founded a church at the Court House and was well fitted to be the pioneer teacher in the first school at Nashville, Tenn. He died in Neely Bend, Tenn.
Misc. Notes
James Menees
James Menees Territory of the United States Nov. 19th 1792
State of North Carolina No. 298.
To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting know ye that we pursuant to an act of our General Assembly entitled an act for the relief of the officers and soldiers of the Continental line and in consideration of the services of James Menees one of the Commissioners Guards and have given granted and by these presents do give and grant unto James Menees a track of land containing three hundred and twenty acres, lying and beginning in our county of Davidson on the west side of Mill Creek. Beginning at a walnut on the east Boundary of his preemption and on the west bank of Mill Creek, runing thence up creek east two hundred and ten poles. Thence continued south sixteen east one hundred and forty three poles to a black oak, south seventy eight poles to a hornbeam, thence west two hundred and fifty poles to a black oak, thence north two hundred and fourteen poles to the beginning. With all woods, waters, mines, minerals, hereitaments, and appurtenances to the said land belonging or appertaining. To hold to the said James Menees his heirs and assigns forever. Which land was surveyed for the said Menees June 9, 1788. By John Buchanan D.S. Agreeable to warrant no. 418. The Grant signed Alexander Martin with the seal of the state pendant. Dated Nov. 16, 1790 Countersigned J. Glasgow, Secretary Tost. Andrew Ewing D.R.