NameDr Robert Rosbrugh Henarie
58, 5G Uncle, H560, 2318, M
Birth27 May 1753, Lamington, Somerset Co, New Jersey Colony58
Death27 Dec 1805, Flanders, NJ, US Age: 52
Military SvsAmerican Revolution (NH) - First New Hampshire Regiment
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
11. ROBERT ROSBRUGH, physician, b. May 27, 1753, at Lamington, Somerset co.; d. at Flanders, N. J., Dec. 27, 1805; m., April, 1780, Mary Hiliard (dau. of Isaac Hilliard and Sarah White, of Danbury, Conn.), who was b. 1759, and d. Nov. 19, 1843, at Penn Yan, Yates co., N. Y.
Dr. Robert graduated from the College of New Jersey (Princeton) 1776, but where or with whom he studied medicine has not come to light. He was commissioned as Surgeon's Mate in the General Hospital of the Continental Army at Morristown, Mar. 17, 1777, as assistant to Dr. Cochran, and thereafter served practically throughout the War. As surgeon in the regular troops he served four years in Col. Read's 2nd Regiment, Gen. Poor's Brigade, New Hampshire Line, being transferred early in 1781 to the First New Hampshire Regiment, Col. Alexander Scammel. He was at the battle of Brandywine, and in the fight at Croton river, when Col. Green, Second Rhode Island Regiment, and Major Flagg, were killed by his side, and was there himself seriously wounded in the arm and taken prisoner, but afterward released. He was also with Gen. Sullivan's expedition in western New York. He continued in the service until the armies were disbanded, and then settled at "Cross Roads" (whesther Lesser or Greater Cross Roads does not appear), Somerset co., N. J., where he had a farm of 200 acres. (Bedminster Tax List of 1787). Subsequently he removed to Flanders, Roxbury twsp., Morris co., where he owned a farm, and there died. He was doubtless buried at the time of his death at Flanders, but later (perhaps after the death of his widow) was removed to a grave beside his wife, at Penn Yan, N. Y. His estate was administered on by his widow, Mary, his son Charles and one Richard Hunt. An inventory of his personal estate ($2,489.56) is on file at Trenton, showing he had horses, cattle, sheep, hay, etc.; also "doctor's books" valued at $30, and a "medicine shop" $30, and held various notes of patients in Bedminster twsp. He was elected a member of the New Jersey Medical Society of 1785.
The Doctor's marriage to Mary Hilliard was said to have occurred at the American army headquarters at Danbury, Conn., when he was stationed there for a period in 1780 at the hospital. His widow was pensioned in 1836 under the Pension Act passed by Congress. According to a record we have seen, of 1791, the Doctor signed his name "Robert Henery," and his estate was administered on as that of "Robert Henry," but he certainly sometimes used the double Christian name of "Robert Rosbrugh," and is so designated by his descendants, who are now widely scattered.
From “Abstrats of Rev. War Pension Files”
Robert, R4899, NY Line, appl 29 Jun 1833 NY City NY, sol was B 1 Jun 1753 at Albany NY & he lived there at enl & also lived there some time after the Rev then moved to Hudson NY then to Philadelphia PA then to NY Cith NY.
Robert R., Mary, W10325, BLW #900-400-23 Sep 1789, srv as a Surgeon in the Cont & NH Line, sol d 27 Dec 1805, he had lived in Somerset Co NJ at enl & he lived there after the Rev, sol m Mary Hillard in Apr 1780 at Reading CT, wid appl 25 Aug 1826 Yates Co NY aged 75, sol had d leaving wid with 10 children but the only names shown were; Charles, James, David & Oliver Henry, in 1836 Zoa Read of Amenia NY stated her sister Mary had m Dr. Robert R. Henry.