NameMartha (Tannehill)
, T540, 2255, F
Birthbef 1772
Deathabt Mar 1821 Age: 49
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
WILLIAM CARTER, born in March, 1782, was married in Culpeper county, Va., September 13, 1813, to Keziah Tannehill, daughter of Martha Tannehill, whose will was probated March 19, 1821, and mentions sons, William and George, and daughters, Nancy, Keziah, wife of Wm. Carter; Elizabeth, wife of Lewis Moore, Mariann, wife of Baker, and a daughter, the wife of Anson Dearing.
Keziah Tannehill B. Sept. 9, 1792-D. 1837 in Bedford Co. Tn. She was married to William Carter B. May(?) 6, 1787 D. 1837. William was an invalid. He, Keziah, and three of their 11 children perished in a fire in their home in Tn. Keziah was the daughter of Minion and Martha Tannehill.