Bill’s Family - Person Sheet
NameWilliam Christian Bullitt
43, B430, 2239, M
Birth1793, Oxmoor, Jefferson Co, KY, US43,63
Death28 Aug 1877, Oxmoor, Jefferson Co, KY, US43,63 Age: 84
OccupationLawyer / Farmer
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
He spent his whole life on the farm, except a short time when he was engaged in the practice of law in Louisville, an occupation for which he was well equipped, but which he abandoned on account of ill health. He was a Whig in early life, but voted for President Franklin Pierce, and from that time until his death he was a pronounced Democrat. He was a member of the Consitutional Convention of 1849-1850, but was never an office seeker, although he was always earnest and active in the interest of his party. He was a man of great strength of character, with decided firmness and excellent judgment. His hospitality was proverbial, and in this kindness he heartily seconded his excellent wife, who loved all young people and loved to have her house well filled. They really kept “open house” at all times, entertaining friend and stranger in such a manner that through them and others like them the State of Kentucky became noted for its hospitality.
William Christian Bullitt was born and died in Jefferson Co., KY