NameEdward Gantt
, 1C6R, G530, 2144, M
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
3. Edward, b. 1738, M.D. and D.D.; took orders in the Episcopal Church and was ordained in 1770; had several charges in Maryland and Georgetown, D. C.; was rector of Christ Church, Calvert Co., 1785-1796; was for five terms chaplain in the United States Senate. Moved to West Virginia in 1808, and d. near Louisville, Ky., aged 96 years.
12. John, m. Mary Heighe BLAKE, dau. of Colonel Joseph BLAKE and Elizabeth his wife, dau. of Thomas and Barbara (BOND) BLAKE.
13. Elizabeth, b. 10th December, 1813; m. Richard ROBERTS (see Richard Roberts).
23. Thomas.
22. Edward, M.D., of Texas.