NameJoannes Haefliger
232,233, GGG Grandfather, H142, 1723, M
Birth24 Apr 1777, Sursee, Luzern, Switzerland
OccupationSchuster (Shoemaker)232
FlagsLived in Switzerland, Research Complete, have mDoc
Misc. Notes
Communion was served to Joannes Haefliger from geussee in 1798 Sursee.
no Birth Registry found in Neuenkirch (1760-1785)
Maybe Sursee (1777), but all the Hafligers in the Sursee 1770’s Tauf say they’re from Geusee not Renzligen (Oberkirch).
No trace in Oberkirch.
Häfliger AG Aarau 1868 (Reiden LU)
Häfliger AG Oberentfelden a
Häfliger AG Reitnau a
Häfliger BE Kehrsatz a
Häfliger BE Seeberg a
Häfliger BE Signau a
Häfliger LU Büron a
Häfliger LU Ebersecken a
Häfliger LU Escholzmatt a
Häfliger LU Ettiswil a
Häfliger LU Fischbach a
Häfliger LU Flühli a
Häfliger LU Gelfingen 1875 (Escholzmatt LU)
Häfliger LU Geuensee a
Häfliger LU Grossdietwil a
Häfliger LU Hergiswil bei Willisau a
Häfliger LU Horw b
Häfliger LU Knutwil a
Häfliger LU Kottwil b
Häfliger LU Kulmerau a
Häfliger LU Langnau bei Reiden a
Häfliger LU Luthern a
Häfliger LU Luzern 1899 (Rothenburg LU)
Häfliger LU Luzern b
Häfliger LU Marbach LU a
Häfliger LU Menznau a
Häfliger LU Nottwil b
Häfliger LU Reiden a
Häfliger LU Römerswil a
Häfliger LU Romoos a
Häfliger LU Rothenburg a
Häfliger LU Ruswil a
Häfliger LU Schenkon a
Häfliger LU Schötz a
Häfliger LU Schüpfheim a
Häfliger LU Triengen a
Häfliger LU Uffikon b
Häfliger LU Werthenstein a
Häfliger LU Wikon a
Häfliger LU Wilihof b
Häfliger LU Willisau Land a
Häfliger LU Winikon 1892 *
Misc. Notes
From the Totenbuch of 1775 - this may be Joannes’ GrandMother.
On December 5th, the honorable lady, Maria Bucher, died. She was the former wife of Johann Jacob Heffliger, who was a magistrate in the town of Beronensis = Bern? She was 37 years old and the mother of 15 children. In the beginning of the year 1704(?) she suffered from fever and heart palpitations. She received the sacraments of the dying, was completely resigned to her fate, had tolerated her sufferings most patiently, up to the end was of sound mind, and most devotedly breathed out her spirit into the hands of God at 10:00 on December 5th. Those present were the writer of this document and the Herzog(?) = Duke(?) Surell(?). Her final struggle was short and peaceful, whose heart was for many years a tyrant (i.e. had caused her so many problems.) She was buried in the church near the first bench (pew) opposite the baptistery. There are several words that I cannot decipher, but the writer appears to say that because of a fortunate mistake of the priest (ex felici culpa sacerdotis), who was not aware of the Canon rites (Canonici rituum ignari), she was placed in the grave opposite the people (versus populum). The last line mentions a sister five brothers of the husband, the priest, and the mother, the meaning of which probably depends on what is on the next page of the document.
On the previous page, the writer referred to "quinque fratrem sacerdotum" = 5 priestly brothers, (this is different from my first translation), and on this page, "quinque filiorum sacerdotum" = 5 priestly sons, who were present at the funeral. Apparently the deceased (or her husband) had quite a few brothers and sons who were priests, and some of their names are mentioned below.
Following is what I was able to understand from the Latin.
Paul C. Miller
... and 5 priestly sons, namely, Christopher, from the parish in Hendorff(?); Joseph, from the parish in Heggling (Hägglingen?); Anthony, from the parish in Hochdorf; Melchior Rudolph, in charge of the parish in Wangen; and Father Stephan Heffliger from the monastery in Einsiedeln, who was the celebrant at the funeral. The writer then paraphrases a prayer, "Blessed are those who die in the Lord ... their form will disappear through death, but they will receive a new and splendid form." He then mentions that the deceased will lie buried in the parish church "in tempore 31 horam," at the 31st hour (I don't know what this means, but possible 31 hours after her death), surrounded by parishioners praying for her. She was buried on December 7 about 9:00. He then mentions that 22 priests came together "in depositione Heopagi." "Depositione" has to do with burial, and "Heopagi" was mentioned previously in the document, but I can not find a meaning for it. At the Capuchin church in Sursee, 100 Masses, which had been bequeathed beforehand, were celebrated, as well as other services that took place later: a service on December 11, with 10 priests and one on the 19th with 24 priests. Sacred rites were also held by her priestly sons where they lived, and a service was held in Sursee at Our Lady Mother of Sorrows Church; at St. Agatha's Church in Hendorff(?); and at St. Xavier's Church in Hochdorf.
The tombstone bore the inscription of the mother, M. Bucher, followed by that of the father, Johann Jakob Heffliger. (This document appears to have been written by a son of the deceased, because in referring to the inscription on the tombstone he refers to "matris meae" = my mother, and "patris mei" = my father. Because this tombstone was located inside the church, there is a good possibility that it still exists, unlike tombstones outside in the cemetery that are removed, with the remains, when space is needed.)
Marriage21 Jan 1799, Neuenkirch, Luzern, Switzerland