NameRev John Gano
6,96,161, G500, 1408, M
Birth22 Jul 1727, Hopewell, Mercer, New Jersey Colony
Death10 Aug 1804, Frankfort, Franklin Co, Ky, US Age: 77
OccupationPastor of First Baptist Church In New York
EducationPrinceton University
Military SvsChaplain In The New York Continental Infantry
FlagsLived in US, Pictures
Misc. Notes
!Bible:info on this family comes from the Bible of John Gano
Occupation: Rev, Gano was Georg Washington's Chaplin at Valley Forge
From the Kentucky Gazette vol 10, no. 486, 1/7/1797:
Married: John Price to Miss Susannah Gano, daughter of rev. John Gano, married on 1 January 1797 near Frankfort by the Rev. William Hickman.
Francis Gerneaux was a Huguenot on the Isle of Guernsey, in the British Channel, according to family tradition, and was marked out for assassination, getting word of which the night before the day set for his death, he secured a vessel and got out of the harbor with his family before morning. (As Guernsey had long been a stronghold of Protestantism, it is probable that Gerneaux fled to that island, from the French mainland.) He came thence to America, and settled at New Rochelle, New York, where he survived to the great age of 103 years. The family name was transformed in time to its present form. He brought to this country his son Stephen, then a child, who. m. Ann Walton, it is believed, and had nine children who grew up and married. The first was Daniel, who m. Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel Britton, of Staten Island. They had two children b. there, and then removed to Hopewell, N. J., where six more children were born to them, among them John Gano, b. July 22, 1727. He was ordained to the ministry May 29, 1754, at Hopewell, entering immediately upon the charge of the infant Baptist church at Morristown, which he served for two years, with considerable intervals of missionary tours in the South. In 1756 he accepted an urgent call to Yadkin, N. C., where he remained two years and a half, when he returne dto New Jersey, taking up his residence at Elizabethtown. He preached alternately at Philadelphia and New York, but in 1761 accepted a call to the latter place, where he continued until 1776. He now acted as chalpain of a Connecticut regiment, through the battles in and about New York, the retreat across New Jersey, and the battles of Trenton and Princeton. He was subsequently chaplain of Gen. Clinton's brigade, composed of New York, New England and New Jersey regiments. He accompanied Gen. Sullivan's expedition against the Indians, in 1779, and continued in the service until the close of the war. He then gathered his scattered congregation together again, and the church flourished greatly. In 1787 he accepted a call to Kentucky, where he arrived with his family in June. He remained a year at Lexington, and then removed to Frankfort. He preached continually, frequently going on extensive missionary tours, until afflicted with a paralytic stroke, in the latter part of 1798. He d. Aug. 10, 1804, at Frankfort, Mr. Gano m. 1st, Sarah, dau. of John Stites, Mayor of the Borough of Elizabethtown, in 1756; she d. at Frankfort, Ky., about 1788; he m. 2d., about a year later, in North Carolina, a dau. of Jonathan Hunt, and wid. of Capt. Thomas Bryant. Issue:
1. John Stites, b. cir. 1757; d. 1765;
2. Daniel, b. Nov. 11, 1758, at Yadkin, N. C.;
3. Peggy, b. Dec. 23, 1760, at Philadelphia;
4. Stephen, b. Dec. 25, 1762, in New York, afterwards a distinguished Baptist clergyman in Rhode Island;
5. Sarah, b. Feb. 24, 1764, in New York;
6. John Stites, b. July 14, 1766, in New York;
7. A dau., b. Aug. 15, 1768; d. in her 3d yr.;
8. Isaac Eaton, b. 1770;
9. Richard Montgomery, b. 1776, in New York;
10. Susannah, b. Nov. 8, 1777, at New Fairfield, Conn.;
11. William, b. 1781 or 1782; d. cir. 1799.--Biographical Memoirs of the late Rev. John Gano, N. Y., 1806;
Edwards's Hist. of the Baptists of N. J., 74.
Misc. Notes
Database: Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Books (152 Vols.)
Combined Matches: 3
The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 15
page 261
Mrs. Jeannette de L. Grissim Gano.
DAR ID Number: 14701
Born in Illinois.
Wife of William B. Gano.
Descendant of Gen. William Russell.
Daughter of Dr. John D. Grissim and Hannah A. R. Moore, his wife.
See No. 14700.
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The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 41
page 135
Mrs. Lizzie Tandy Meacham.
DAR ID Number: 40356
Born in Hopkinsville, Kentucky.
Wife of Charles M. Meacham.
Descendant of Rev. John Gano, William Henry, John Stites and Mathew Flournoy.
Daughter of Charles M. Tandy and Mary M. Henry, his 2nd wife.
Granddaughter of Col. William Henry and Cornelia V. Gano, his wife.
Gr.-granddaughter of Richard Montgomery Gano and Betsy Ewing, his wife; William Henry
and Elizabeth Julia Flournoy, his wife, m. 1786.
Gr.-gr.-granddaughter of John Gano and Sarah Stites, his wife; Mathew Flournoy and
Elizabeth (Pryor) Smith, his wife, m. 1755.
Gr.-gr.-gr.-granddaughter of John Stites and Margaret Hampton, his wife.
John Gano, (1727-1804), served as chaplain in the New York Continental infantry and was
made brigade chaplain 1778. He was pastor of the First Baptist Church, New York City,
1762-88, when he removed to Kentucky, where he died.
William Henry, (1761-1824), served as a private in the regiment of Col. Harry Lee. He was
born in Charlotte Co., Va.; died in Christian Co., Ky.
Also Nos. 4993, 6132, 7784, 9054, 10715, 12337, 20107, 30305, 39376.
John Stites, (1706-82), was a member of the Provincial Congress 1775 from Essex county,
New Jersey.
Matthew Flournoy, (1732-85), served as a soldier in Virginia. He settled Flournoy's Fort in
Kentucky and was killed there by Indians. He was born in Henrico Co., Va.
Also No. 37162.
View full context
The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 81
page 266
Miss Nelly Virginia Odell.
DAR ID Number: 80710
Born in Evansville, Ind.
Descendant of Rev. John Gano, Major William Goforth, and John Stites.
Daughter of Isaac Henry Odell (b. 1845) and Anna Virginia Iglehart (b. 1853), his 2nd wife,
m. 1879.
Granddaughter of Nicholas Pindell Iglehart (1811-77) and Frances Mary Gano (1819-86), his
wife, m. 1837.
Gr-granddaughter of Aaron Goforth Gano (1798-1854) and Frances Bell Burley (Burleigh)
(1795-1837), his wife, m. 1818.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of John Stites Gano (1766-1822) and Mary Goforth (1768-1857), his
wife, m. 1787.
Gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of John Gano and Sarah Stites (1737-93), his wife, m. 1755;
William Goforth and Catherine Meeks (1744-1827), his wife, m. 1763.
See No. 80170.
Gr-gr-gr-gr-granddaughter of John Stites and Margaret Hampton (1715-84), his 2nd wife.
William Goforth (1731-1807) served on the Committee of Safety and was a member of the
famous ìCommittee of One Hundredî of New York City. He commanded a company in the
1st New York regiment, under Col. Alexander McDougall; was engaged in the battle of Three
Rivers, and was promoted major for service on the field. He was appointed by Washington
judge of the Northwest Territory, where he died. He was born in Philadelphia, Pa.
Also Nos. 67544, 70955.
John Stites (1715-82) was a member of the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, 1775, from
Essex County, where he died. He was born in Springfield, N. J.
Also No. 40356.
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Marriage1755, Morristown, Morris Co, NJ, US