NameHenry Stites
6,96, 7G Uncle, S332, 1326, M
Birth1669, Hemstead, Long Island, Nassau Co, New York Colony96
Memomaybe 1662
Death6 FEB 1748/49, Cape May, New Jersey Colony Age: 79
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
Biography: Hist. and Gen. Record of Families of Old Fairfield by Jacobus.
Family: NY Gen. & Bio. Rec. Vol. 28 p. 166.
Family: NY Gen. & Bio. Rec. Vol. 107 p. 67.
Will: Death date comes from will written 6 Feb 1748/49 and proved 9 May 1749
Family: The American Gen. Vol. 21 p. 119.
Family: Film # 482067.
Family: Film # 501016.
Wills: Abstracts of Early Wills of Queens Co., NY.
Family: Research done by Richard West Stites of Virginia
Conflict:In one source a daughter Phebe was alluded to
3. HENRY3 STITES (RICHARD2, JOHN1)5 was born 1662 in Hempstead, Long Island, NY6,7, and died February 06, 1748/49 in Cape May, NJ7. He married HANNAH GARLICK7 February 15, 1693/94 in Cape May, NJ7, daughter of JOSHUA GARLICK and ELIZABETH HARDY.
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 1, Ed. 1, Tree #5155, Date of Import: Aug 21, 1998]
Sources: Vincent, Delano V. "Descendents of Henry & Benjamin Stites" in NY Gen & Bio Records, Vol 107, No 2 (April, 1976) and others.
Henry Stites was a whale man, came to Cape May before 1689, d. before 2.6.1748/49; married Hannah Garlick, Feb. 15, 1693. Henry Stites lived on the seaboard in the Middle Township
Stevens p. 55, copied from History of Cape May Co., as follows:
"Henry Stites, ancestor of all in the county of that name, came to the county about or in the year 1691. He located two hundred acres of land, including the place now belonging to the heirs of Eli Townsend. He made his mark, yet he afterwards acquired the art of writing, and was justice of the court for a long series of years, being noted such in 1746. He left a son Richard, who resided at Cape Island, and he a son, John, from whom the Lower Township Stites have descended. his son, Isaiah, who died in 1767 and from who the Stites of the Upper and part of the Middle Township have descended, lived on the place now occupied by his grandsons, John and Townsend Stites, below the court house, are descendants of Benjamin Stites, who was probably a brother of Henry and was in the county in 1705."
"He was one of the founders of the Baptist Church at Court House in 1712. Stevens History of Cape May Co., NJ. p. 70
"His wife, Hannah Garlick, was a daughter of Joshua Garlick, of New Longdon, Connecticut. In 1651 John Garlick removed to Easthampton, L.I. where his wife Elizabeth was accused of witchcraft (in 1658, according to Leaming) and taken to Harford, Connecticut for trial but was acquitted." (Savage, Genealogical Dect.).
Joshua Garlick, whose will was probated in Suffock Co., NY, August 24, 1677, names wife Elizabeth, and sons John and Joshua and daughter Hannah. See "Epitaths from Long Island", p. 91. Elizabeth, wife of Joshua, married John Persons (sic]. see Stevens, p. 45. (See also will of Joshua Garlick in NJ Archives. This Joshua Garlick was the son of Joshua Garlick, one of the founders of Easthampton, Long Island. \
Henry Stites and Hannah Garlick had:
Richard Stites (b. 1696, d. ab. 12.26.1739) m. Abigail, daughter of Joshua Garlick (see will of Joshua Garlick) 20 April, 1747, N.J. Archives. See will of Richard Stites 26 Dec. 1739.
Hannah Stites was living 22 April, 1730 when she is mentioned in will of Zebulon Swaine.
The New Haven Whale man records show that Henry was a whaler. Teh Trenton Records are to the same effect. he was at Cape May before 1689, as he was indicted in that year for driving cattle and slaughtering a steer on Sunday. See Stevens, History of Cape May, p. 51. He was Justice of Peace and Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Cape May County for many years.
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 1, Ed. 1, Tree #5155, Date of Import: Aug 21, 1998]
"[Henry Stites's] wife, Hannah Garlick, was a daughter of Joshua Garlick, of New London, Connecticut. In 1651 source says 1658] Joshua Garlick removed to Easthampton, L.I. where his wife Elizabeth [maiden name Hardy or Hardie] was accused of witchcraft (in 1658, according to Leaming) and taken to Harford, Connecticut for trial but was acquitted." (Savage, Genealogical Dect.).
Joshua Garlick, whose will was probated in Suffock Co., NY, August 24, 1677, names wife Elizabeth, and sons John and Joshua and daughter Hannah. See "Epitaths from Long Island", p. 91. Elizabeth, wife of Joshua, married John Persons (sic]. see Stevens, p. 45. (See also will of Joshua Garlick in NJ Archives. This Joshua Garlick was the son of Joshua Garlick, one of the founders of Easthampton, Long Island. \
By the different accounts in this book & bt what Mr. Leaming informed it appears that at Easthampton lived Joshua Garlick and his wife very aged reputation says that one lived to be 105 and the other 110. They had a son Joshua Garlick Jr. who married Elizabeth about anno 1663 or 1664. His oldest daughter Hannah Stites was bon 1665 and died in 1734. Joshua Garlick (III) was born in 1672. Elizabeth born in 1675. Abiah born Sept. 18, 1677. Joshua Garlick, Jr. died the 24 August 1677. The 21 May 1679 the widow married to John
Parsons, weaver. The 10 of April their daughter Lydia was born.
The 13 of July (1691) they moved to Cape May and settled on his plantation. In January 1693 John Parsons died. His widow married to John Fish who died in about 6 months and the 1 day of May 1696 she died.
HENRY4 STITESII7, b. 1695, Cape May, NJ7; d. Abt. September 17467; m. SARAH
ELDREDGE7, October 30, 1727, Cape May, NJ7.
RICHARD STITES, b. 1696, Cape May, NJ; d. May 1740, Cape May, NJ.
JOHN STITES, (SON of HENRY), b. Abt. 1704; d. July 1743.
MARY STITES, b. May 24, 1699, Cape May, NJ; d. Aft. 1775, Cape May, NJ.
ISIAH STITES, b. Abt. 1705, Cape May, NJ; d. 1767, Cape May, NJ.
JOSHUA STITES7, b. Abt. 1707, Cape May, NJ7; d. Bef. May 21, 17467; m. ABIGAIL
GARLICK,(PARSONS)7, WFT Est. 1738-17457.
HANNAH STITES7, b. Abt. 16987; d. Bef. 17307; m. ZEBULON SWAIN7.
Misc. Notes
History of Cape May County New Jersey
167Stevens F142 C2 S8
During the year 1691, the whaling interest having become large, and the purchase of land in Cape May having become a more easy matter, a large number of persons came from New Haven and Long Island to selle permanently. Cap May Town sprang up on the bay shore, for the accomodation of the whalers, where quite a business was done. This is considered to be the first town built in the county. Among the settlers were Christopher Leaming and his son, Thomas Caesar Hoskins, Samuiel Matthews, Jonathonn Osborne, Nathan Short, Cornelius Shellinks (now Schellinger), Henry Stites, Thomas Hand and his sons, John and Georg; Ebenezer Swain and aHenry Young, John and Caleb Carman, John Shaw, thomas Miller, William Stilwell, Humphrey Hewes, William Mason and John Richardson.
As early as 1710 Goshen was known as a village, its name being then applied to it. About this time Henry Stites purchased the land about the point of Cape may, which was known as Stites’ Beach until 1876, when it was called Sea Grove, and later Cape May Point. In 1610 Colonel Daniel Coxe was appointed judge, with jurisdiction in Cape May.
Marriage15 Feb 1693, Cape May, New Jersey Colony6,96