NameCapt Benjamin Stites
6,96,161, 6G Uncle, S332, 1323, M
Birth9 FEB 1724/25, Hemstead, Long Island, Nassau Co, New York Colony
Death31 May 1805, Scotch Plains, Union, NJ, US6,161 Age: 81
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
Family: Gen. Lib. film # 1697435.
Bible Records: Family Bible of Miss. Nellie Stites.
Tombstone Inscriptions: Gen. Mag. of NJ Vol. 36 p. 91 Tombstone inscription
Family: S.L. Gen. Lib Film # 849581.
Biography: New York Gen. and Bio. Rec." bol XXVIII, p. 238 Oct. 1897 "The
Stites Family" by Edmund J. James.
Family: In material sent by Jim Stites there is a daughter Hazel listed.
This is the only time I have found this daughter. Further research should
be done to prove or disprove this child.
Family: History of Warren Co., OH p. 715
Long Island Genealogy (web site) States:
4. BENJAMIN4 STITES, CAPT. (WILLIAM3, RICHARD2, JOHN1) was born 1722 in Hempstead, New York, and died 1802 in Limestone, KY. He married (1) BETSEY WILLCOX, daughter of PETER WILLCOCKS and ELIZABETH MILLER. She was born 1727 in Scotch Plains, New Jersey, and died September 11, 1821 in Scotch Plains, New Jersey. He married (2) RACHEL WALDON MILLS KITCHELL. She was born 1724 in 1779, and died Unknown.
Notes for BENJAMIN STITES, CAPT.: Benjamin Stites moved to Ohio in 1788, founded the first settlement northwest of the Ohio River, between Marietta and the fall of the Ohio River at Columbia. He was killed by Indians near Limestone, KY in 1802 at the age of 81.
i. ELIJAH5 STITES, b. March 22, 1758, Scotch Plains, New York; d. January 06, 1843, Lima Ohio.
ii. HEZEKIAH STITES, b. August 13, 1761, Scotch Plains, New Jersey; d. December 08, 1842.
iii. ISAIAH STITES, b. Abt. 1749, Scotch Plains, New Jersey; d. March 04, 1825, Scotch Plains, New Jersey.
iv. BENJAMIN5 STITES, JR, d. Unknown.
Misc. Notes
Benjamin Stites Sr. born 1725 died 1805 at Scotch Plains, JN. He was in the military and promoted himself up to captain then wed Rachel Waldon Mills Kitchell who had all his children . Rachel was born 1724 died 1779 then he wed Elizabeth Wilcox. 1727-1821 no children. His first son Benjamin Jr. 1748-1704 and 2nd son Henry 1749-1788 migrated to Ohio.
--Mary Tyson
Marriageabt 1747, Scotch Plains, Cape May, NJ, US (of)
ChildrenHenry , 2872, M (>1750-)
Marriage21 Sep 1768, NJ, US