NameJane Kelly “Kelley”
, 5G Grandmother, K400, 1243, F
Birthabt 1720, Hagerstown, Prince Georges Co, Maryland Colony
FlagsLived in US
Misc. Notes
KELLEY, John; from England, deserter; matross in Captain
Lillie's Co., 1777.--Soldiers and Sailors of the
KELLY, Daniel, of Portsmouth, N. H.; from Limerick,
Ireland before 1741; m. Joan Rijan, of Limerick,
in Portsmouth, Jan. 15, 1741.--N. E. Hist. Gen.
Reg., Vol. 27, p. 9.
KELLY, James, of Boston, Mass.; from Ireland, 1716;
joiner.--Boston Rec. Com., Vol. 29, p. 232.
KELLY, Michael, of Newport, R. I., from Limerick, Ireland,
cir. 1775.--Murray's Irish Rhode Islanders,
p. 34.
KELLY, Robert, of Newcastle, Me.; from England, 1793-5,
with Captain David Otis; b. Liverpool; m. Mary
Holmes, daughter of John Holmes, cir. 1809; Children:
Robert, James, William, Daniel D.--Ancient
Sheepscott and Newcastle.
Marriage1740, Hagerstown, Prince Georges Co, Maryland Colony106
ChildrenWilliam , 1181, M (1757-1817)
Isaac , 1733, M (1770-1858)