NameHannah White
95, W300, 1226, F
Birthabt 1726
Misc. Notes
WHITE, Mrs. Elizabeth, of Lunenburg, Mass.; b. Makery,
County Monaghan, Ireland, cir. 1687; wife of John
White q.v.; d. 1753, aet 66.--Fitchburg Hist. Soc.,
1897-9, p. 266.
WHITE, Hannah, Boston, Mass.; from the Island of Orecock
in North Carolina; wife of Thomas White;
brought by Mr. Thomas Mill.--Boston Rec. Com.,
Vol. 13, p. 291.
WHITE, John, Boston, Mass.; from Ireland, in the ship
"Elizabeth," warned out, Nov. 3, 1719; "an Irishman
from Dedham"; warned out, July 11, 1727;
warned again April 6, 1727.--Suffolk Court Files,
20510, Boston Rec. Com., Vol. 13, p. 63, 167.
WHITE, John, of Lunenburg, Mass.; b. Glasgow, Scotland,
1672; to Ireland, 1723; m. Elizabeth (???),
q. v.; Children: John, Patrick; d. 1739, aet 67.--Fitchburg
Hist. Soc., 1897-9, p. 266-7.
WHITE, John, of Lunenburg, Mass.; from Ireland, after
1723; son of John and Elizabeth White; m. Mary
Wallis, Dec. 9, 1747; Children: John, Charles, William;
m. 2, Feb. 22, 1753, Mary Whitney of Lunenburg;
Children: David, Elizabeth.--Lunenburg Vital
Records, pp. 260, 331.
WHITE, Miriam, of Boston, Mass.; from Jamaica, in the
sloop "Ann," John Beney, master; admitted an inhabitant,
Sept. 24, 1730.--Boston Rec. Com., Vol.
13, p. 201.
WHITE, Patrick, of Lunenburg, Mass.; from Ireland; b.
1710, son of John and Elizabeth White; m. Jane
White, int. Dec. 24, 1741, of "Chesher"; Children:
John, Elizabeth, Mary, William, Jane, Eleanor,
James, David, Thomas; d. 1778, in Peterborough.--Smith's
Peterborough, Pt. 2, p. 335, Lunenburg Records,
pp. 113, 137, 157, 162, 163, 176, 180, 182,
190, 193, 215, 240.
WHITE, Peter, of Berwick, Maine; from Canada, after
the fall of Quebec, 1759; m. (???); Children: five.--Southgate's
Scarborough, p. 176.
WHITE, Samuel, of Marblehead, and Salem, Mass.; from
Wiltshire, England, before 1771; m. Elizabeth Emery,
Dec. 26, 1771; Child: Sarah. -- Salem Vital
Records, Vol. 2, p. 420, Vol. 3, p. 334, Vol. 4, p. 462.
WHITE, Sarah, see Henry Keese.
WHITE, William, of Londonderry, N. H.; from Londonderry,
Ireland, in 1725; b. 1687, in England; m. in
Ireland; Children: Henry, James, Jane, Robert,
David, Thomas, William.--Chase's Chester, p. 614.
WHITE, William, of Lancaster, Mass.; from "Dumbo"
[Drumbo?], Ireland; m. Elinor (???); Children:
Samuel, 1730, Katharine, William and Margaret
(twins), Isaac, Jane.--Lancaster Vital Records, pp.
280, 282-284, Carter's Pembroke, p. 312.
William and Susanne White came on the Mayflower with their sons Peregrine and Resolved.