NameHRH Sir Robert II, King of The Franks
, 32G Grandfather, 802, M
Birthbef 923, of Bourgogne, France
Death15 Jun 923, Near Soissons, France Age: <1
Burialabt Jun 923
FlagsLived in France
Cause of deathKIA
Misc. Notes
Duke of Anjou and Blois. King of The Franks, crowned at Reims,
20 JUN 922-923. In 922 he led the rebellion against King
Charles III (Charles "The Simple") and was crowned King at
Rheims by a party of nobles.
Soon after he was "Killed in Action" in a Battle near Soissons,
a battle against the same Charles III, who marched against him.
He was succeeded by his son-in-law, Raoul.