NameWilliam Shorte
11, 9G Grandfather, S630, 95, M
Birth3 Mar 1613, England
Death6 Apr 1659, Surrey Co, Virginia Colony Age: 46
ReligionChurch of England49
FlagsLived in UK, Lived in US, Look in VA
Immigration1633 Age: 19
Memofrom England
Christen21 Mar 1613, Brewood, Stafford, England49 Age: <1
MemoIGI Batch:P010141 Source Call no: 0096880 Church of England. Parish Church of Brewood (Staffordshire)
Misc. Notes
He immigrated from England to Virginia in 1633
Early Virginia Immigrants; 1623–1666
Shorte, Wm., 1639, by John Kempe, James City Co.
He died in Charles City County and his will was the first one recorded in probate books of Virginia County. The will is at the Virginia historical Society. (One of oldest known to exist in Virginia)
His relative John Short was one of the first settlers of Jamestown, Va. about 1595.
William Short arrived in the colony of Virginia before 1635, when he must have been about twenty years old. Later, in 1655, he stated in a deposition that he was "aged 42 yeares or thereabouts''. (Charles City County Records, 1655-58, p. 41)
William Short, as there seems little doubt as to his identity, because of the people with whom he was associated and of where he owned land, was listed as a headright of Captain William Pierce, when he patented land on Lawnes Creek in 1635. (Land Patent Book 1, Pt. 1, p255)
He was listed, subsequently, by Thomas Grey and John Kemper, each of James City County in 1639, (Land Patent Book 1, pp 669,677;Book 2 p. 223) and by Robert Moseley of Upper Chippokes Creek in 1649.
William owned land, himself, in Charles City County, on the south sideof the James River before 1653. (Land Patent Book 5, p. 54)
The land lay on a branch of Burchen Swamp and was a part of "the old towne" This may have been an Indian village. This was, in all likelihood, the land that William had patented on January 7, 1649, though the record of the patent did not survive. (Surry County Records Book 1, p. 329) The land was on the upper reaches of what was later known as Bailey Branch and it flowed into Upper Chippokes Creek. This was the area where Surry and Prince George counties later came together. It was in this same general area that the Shorts were living a century and a half later.
William settled on the south side of the James River, and in his early days in the colony, his associations were with Charles City County. When William went into court it was to Westover, across the James River, that he must present himself. Later his family would settle across Chippokes Creek in what would become Surry County.
He was called upon to give a deposition concerning Mr. Westhorpe's will on March 3, 1655. He said Mr. Westhorpe had brought a will out (of England in his chest), but he had lost it and he wanted Mr. Grey to be his overseer. William also had braved the cold winds and the icy river in December to go to Westover to court to be paid the 800 pounds of tobacco due him as bounty for four wolves heads. 6 In October the following year, he was paid 400 pounds of tobacco for two wolves heads. (Charles city County Records 1655-58 p. 71) William was fortunate that the time he was required to serve on the jury that court was held at Merchant's Hope. The court did try to alternate their sessions. It just seemed it always met at Westover when it was cold. Not always, for in June of 1656, William was forced to appear in court with regard to a judgment against him brought by James Crews, merchant. The judgment was for 704 pounce of good merchantable tobacco and cask, and thirty-one good large beaver skins in season. (Charles city County Records 1655-58 p. 54)
Marriage1638, Surrey Co, VA, US
ChildrenThomas (Died as Infant), 2440, M (~1639-~1639)
Sarah , 97, F (1639-1676)