NameWilliam Thomas Whitsett Jr.
, 6G Grandfather, W323, 24, M
Birth1709, Ireland
Death24 Oct 1798, Tryon, NC, US Age: 89
Memomaybe Amherst VA
ReligionSouthern Baptist
FlagsLived in UK, Lived in US, Look in VA
Immigrationaft 1731 Age: 22
Misc. Notes
From Amherst / Albermarle Deed book:
Page 129. 5 Sep 1763. John Wade, AC, to William Whitsitt, AC, 40 pds for 200 acres on North fork of Davis’ creek, branch of Rockfish. Line of William Trotter. Half of tract bought from William Wright. On page 130 Elizabeth Wade, wife of John Wade, is examined as to dower wishes and rights. (I should like to point out that this William Whitsitt is the ancestor of the Dr. William Whitsitt who became President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, and who became involved with his fellow Baptists about interpretations concerning historical matters. BFD)
Page 84. 4 Jun 1770. Wm. Whitesides, AC, to Wm. Martin, AC for lb40, 200 acres on N fork Davis Creek and branch of Rockfish. Lines: Wm. Troter. Half of a tract bought of Wm Wright. Wit: Jo. Megann, Martin Dawson, Jas. McNeel(?). Signed Whitesides, but clerk has inserted name of Wm. Whitsett. Elliner, wife of WW.
Page 197. 1 Nov 1779. Benj. Manees & wife Ann, Pittsylvania, to wm. Whitsitt, AC, for lb700, 300 acres. Lines: Whitsitt. Orig. Del. to Whitsitt.
Page 317. 1 Oct 1781. Wm. Whitsett, Ac, to Chas. Stewart, Ac, for lb60, 100 acres. Lines: Col. Danl. Gaines, Jos. Crews, Jas. McNeese. Wit: Benammi Stone, Benj. Rucker, Isaac Rucker. Note: I am inclined to think that Whitsitt was the owner of what was to become Sweet Briar College many years later. The beautiful home of the president is known as Sweet Briar House. Elijah Fletcher bought up a huge tract and left the Sweet Briar Plantation (his will is headed as having been written there) to his daughter, Indiana Fletcher. He sets forth the various tracts which made it up and one was acquired from John Crouse (sic). Tradition has it that the house, enlarged by Fletcher, was originally built by a man named Crews. If so, it would probably be the Jos. Crews mentioned herein as an adjoining owner. Jos. also got a tract from Whitsitt. I have pointed out in an earlier note that this Whitsitt was the ancestor of the Wm.Whitsitt who became president of my theological alma mater, Southern Baptist Teological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. I have not tried to trace the tract whereon the college is located for I am told that a fine title lawyer in Lynchburg was once employed to do so and gave it up as a hopeless task. I have only given the problem a casual survey and saw that it meant checking a number of suits here and in Lynchburg for Fletcher shows that it was acquired by foreclusures on his part of several folk. A look at some of these names showed that various parcels had been broken up along the way. It may be that I can slip up on the story from this angle in an easier way than by beginning with Fletcher’s transactions in the 1840’s and 1850’s. It is, of course, to be remembered that not all deeds were recorded and one sometimes comes to a dead end in tracing a title. BFD)
Page 321. 1 Oct 1781. Wm. Whitsitt, Ac, To Jos. Crews, Ac, for lb500, 500 acres branch of Rutledge. Lines: Col. Danl. Gaines, Jas. McNees, Jno. McDonalld, Jas. McNees Jr, Geo. Gilbert, Wyatt Powell, Jones’ orphans, Jos. Mayo. Conveyed to grantor in two deeds from Jas. McNees for 300 acres, & Isaac Rucker, Chas. Stewart, Jno. Turner, Benammi Stone.
Page 436. Return on 1783: Rec. 6 Oct 1783. Order to Henry co. J.P.’s Abraham Penn & Jno. Salmon, to quiz Ellenor Whitsitt, wife of Wm. Whitsitt, as to dower - deed of 1 Oct 1781, to Jos. Crews for 500 acres.
Marriagebef 1730, Ireland
ChildrenHenry W , 2958, M (1730-1800)
John , 2960, M (1746-1786)