1. Use Graphic Converter to do a batch scale with height of 9" into images subdirectory. 2. Use Graphic Converter to do a batch scale with height of 1" into thumbnails subdirectory. 3. From command line in picture directory: ls *.JPG >pictures.txt 4. /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqlimport -r -c "pic_filename" -p pictures pictures.txt 5. Creat Roll and Pages 6. Add Pages to Roll_Contents 7. Add Pictures to Page_Contents insert into page_contents (pic_id, page_id) select pic_id, '15' from pictures where pic_sort is NULL; 8. Update Pictures with Titles and Sort update pictures set pic_sort = pic_id where pic_sort is NULL; update pictures set pic_title = pic_filename where pic_title is NULL;